Well that should scare the neighbours |
We have room to lounge about, invite friends over, cook our own breakfast and dinner, freeze and refrigerate a variety of foods and go exploring and bring home what we have found.
When we had friends over to share a lovely roast beef dinner (and Tim Tam Slams for dessert) and they thoughtfully brought some large carving pumpkins and a pumpkin carving kit.
Now that is an experience we would not have been able to perform at your typical hotel!
Nice Bamboo. What are you going to do with it? |
"What are you going to do with those?" I asked.
"I dunno," replied Peter, "I'll think of something."
They are out back doing that thinking (with the sounds of cutting and hacking) at the moment while I write this.
We had a home made breakfast of bacon and eggs, some had fresh made pancakes and others some cereal.
Around us the trees are changing colour almost as we watch. The children are spotting squirrels and Clare saw a Bluebird this morning.
We have mastered the art of every faucet using a different combination of twists, pulls and turns to work.
Carving Pumpkins. Try this at a hotel. |
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