Lana and the children found themselves in Yea on Friday and attended the ceremony at the War Memorial. Soldiers stood guard whilst children laid some flowers and speeches were made. Memorials like this one are in most towns across Australia and are primarily from World War I with additions made after World War II.
In World War I approximately half of all eligible men enlisted - voluntarily. The casualty rate was over 60%, with 15% of those enlisting dying. This cut a great swath across all walks of life in Australia and affected every town and city.
The War Memorial has the following words:
More statistics can be found at www.anzacday.org.au.
In World War I approximately half of all eligible men enlisted - voluntarily. The casualty rate was over 60%, with 15% of those enlisting dying. This cut a great swath across all walks of life in Australia and affected every town and city.
The War Memorial has the following words:
Great War 1914 - 1918
Remember with thanksgiving
the true and faithful men
who in the great war went forth
from this place for God and Right.
The names of those who returned
not again are hereon inscribed
to be remembered for evermore.
To these have been added the names
of their comrades of the
1939 to 1945 war who gave their
lives in the same cause.
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