31 December 2003


Thanksgiving is huge in the US. It is the start of the Christmas shopping season and it is a more important family reunion day than Christmas. We had two Thanksgivings. One on Thanksgiving day with friends, who brought over a humongous turkey and all the trimmings to our place and we had a great day. On the Saturday, we went to spend a second Thanksgiving with the Floyd family. We had more turkey and different trimmings. So two lazy days spent chatting and playing games resulted in a very memorable first Thanksgiving.
The day after Thanksgiving is the biggest shopping day of the year. A tale of shopping exuberance occurred at Walmart where a lady had waited for some time to be one of the first to get in and get her heavily discounted appliance. She succeeded and got her appliance, but was knocked over in the rush and bumped her head on a display. Whilst her friend was trying to keep people from stepping on her, all she could do was push her a bit out of the way. Everyone was too busy going for bargains. Finally the paramedics got through, rescued her and took her to hospital to recover. In a later interview, the staff at Walmart expressed their sympathy by saying they would hold the appliance for the lady for when she recovered – at the same special price.

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