The first section we came to was "Sideshows" exposing all the tricks of the trade as well as demonstrating some of the rides such as a huge slide "Freefall", a centrifuge and a simulated roller coaster ride. The slide had each participant put on overalls (called "Body Bags" by the attendant) climb some stairs, then hang on a bar two stories above ground and let go. One girl hung onto the bar and decided that letting go sounded like a pretty silly idea and had to be retrieved by the attendant. This photo shows James just as he let go. Peter is already on the stairs ready for another go. Peter somehow managed to get 5 slides to only 3 for James and Eric. Ariel decided that this type of thing was not for her.

One of the exhibits centred around Spies and Codes. Eric and Ariel picked up the activity sheet which had the visitor go through the exhibits ferreting out the clues to answer the final mystery. This photo shows Lana helping Ariel unravel one of the secret messages with Martin snugly asleep encased in the Moby Wrap sling. Eric joined forces with another lad about his age and they worked out the answers pretty quickly.
We asked the children their favourite parts:
Lana, Ariel and Eric enjoyed the spy part as it was more involved than just playing.
Eric, James and Peter liked the Freefall slide. James also liked playing with some tubes which attached to a metal wall by magnets, which you manipulated in such a way that a ball travelled from the top to the bottom.
Clare enjoyed the show about balloons and hot air.
Rose just liked playing with lots of things.
And we all enjoyed the mirrors which distorted our appearance to long thin people and a short wide family.
1 comment:
I loved Questacon as a kid - looking forward to going back there one day with my own :)
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