But I kept getting stuck on a paradox. Every mistake that I tried to rectify would jeopardise the really good things that happened. The unlikely circumstances that led to my meeting and marrying Lana were too extraordinary to come about through planning of my part. By knowing and loving the Faith as I do now, I would have been unlikely to have met Lana. If we had done the wiser things financially, I wouldn't have learnt what I now know and probably wouldn't have ended up in the lovely country place we now enjoy.
It seems that God really does draw straight from Point A to Point B using crooked lines.
Then yesterday I was pondering life in front of the Blessed Sacrament giving thanks to God for all the blessings He has given me. We have come to realise that stable two parent families are not in the majority - neither here in Australia, our parish or in the US when we lived there. Even at the local parish with an attached "Catholic" school, only a minority of the children attend Mass and even less do so with both parents. We often make up half the children present.
With all the dopey things Lana and I did and thought along the way, how did we end up where we are today?
"There but for the Grace of God go I."
When we explain to the children the better way of courtship, life and love they ask us if we followed that advice. "No," we reply, "Unfortunately we weren't told, and maybe we wouldn't have listened. We didn't have any examples on which to base the correct actions. But it is much easier to learn from our mistakes than make them all yourself."
Last night the children made the main meal of the day. Roast Lamb and potatoes, peas and carrots. Very tasty and Lana just had to answer a few basic questions. It is worth bucking society's general advice and focussing on having a faithful, fruitful family life.
So I wouldn't change anything even if I could. The risk of not getting here is too great.
It's like the song that goes "God blessed the broken road that lead me straight to you!" I have often told others the same line you used "but for the grace of God go I" He has such a beautiful way of working all things for good! Praise God for that!
Great post. Just what I needed to hear!
Yes, but for the Grace of God - I'm so thankful...
A wonderful post about maturity. It is sad to watch couples that never get there and so much rejoicing to see couples that have. Thanks for the post.
Not to change subjects but what is Lana working on now :-)?
Good thought.
Though if I could redo my life, I would love to have invested in Microsoft and Cisco twenty years ago. :-)
That's a good point Henry.
I thought of the consequences if I had made better financial decisions. But then I wouldn't have learned the lessons and once more probably would have gone down a different path! This alternate history stuff is pretty tricky.
All of those rough spots in the road certainly make the journey more interesting! Luckily, I did manage to learn from my parents' financial struggles. :o)
This post reminded me of when I used to wonder what my life would be like if I hadn't grown up with asthma. I came to realize that many of my feelings about faith, my appreciation of life and creation, and my love of art and writing developed from those miserable moments spent in the emergency room and the ICU.
Sometimes the only way for us to find our way to faith and God is through these very personal lessons and experiences.
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